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Understanding the behavior of Amazon Ads connector

Amazon Ads has some limitations on its behavior and specific permissions you need to have to work with this connector. But don't worry! In this article we will explain to you everything you need to know to start working properly with our Amazon Ads connector.

How does the Amazon Ads connector work?

Before using the connector you will need to have some permissions accepted on your Amazon Ads account

1. First you need an user account in Amazon with access to an ad account.

2. Your User or Manager account will need at least view permission to Advertising reports and Campaign manager options.

3. If the ad account is connected to a Manager account, you will need to be Admin of the Manager account, and have at least Editor permissions in the ad account.
If the ad account is connected to your User account, you will need at least Editor permissions.

About the limitations of the connector

1. The Amazon Ads connector only returns data from the current day up to 90 days ago.

2. We support the following six types of reports:

Learn more about it here

3. Data will automatically be taken from the first available level.

As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!

Updated on: 08/08/2023

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